Friday, March 26, 2010

Introduction to my new blog!

Hello! Welcome to my food blog! Let me start with the fact that I am a cooking n00b! The only things i know about cooking and/or baking I either learned from the small amount of attention I paid when my mom tried to show me things or from me teaching myself.

I moved out on my own in June 2009 and quickly learned that I would need to learn to feed myself! It was scary and not always healthy but the last couple months I have decided to make it my mission to make food that is easy, usually fairly quick and TRYING to be healthy! I was advised to make a blog to post my successful creations so other cooking newbies can take my advice and learn to feed themselves.

I love food! And my new hobby of learning to cook has inspired me to attempt new things. Among cooking dinner I also learned that I love making ice cream and cake! I will share my recipes and cakes that i decorated.

Please enjoy my recipes and share any of them you want. Also, please comment any advice or improvements to any recipes you want :)

Thank you & enjoy!